Billing and Payment Information

Manage your online payment options

Add or remove payment options
Update your billing schedule
Make a one-time payment
Enroll in paperless billing
View your payment history

Don't have an account? Create Account

Enroll in Autopay and never miss a payment

We know you have a lot to keep track of. Autopay is the easy, low-maintenance way to pay your monthly bill. Enroll today and never worry about missing a payment again.


Ways to pay your bill

Credit card or bank account
Pay online using a major credit card or a checking or savings account.

Online banking
Sign up online through your bank using your NLC policy number.

By phone
Call (800)962-0800 to speak with a Billing Specialist that can assist in taking a payment or helping you with our online service.

Pay by mail
NLC Insurance Companies
PO Box 9229
Chelsea MA 02150-9229